Sunday, July 11, 2010


note the time and date.

its the final for the world cup. i am all alone in my room. sedihhhh:(

im not feeling well to go out with the others. nak je ikut diorang overnight but im too tired and worn out tonight. no one on ym. shitty moment. i've slept from 8 something and just got awake. Fad called, nak borak pun tak ade mood. haishh. i hate this feeling. demam. tu la. i ate too many durians. seronok sangat. hahaha. i had fun though today.;)

the junior debaters is cool. we, the seniors, push them to the limits as DC is coming up in not more than a month just to avoid debating during Puasa. so okay la. we've pushed them as hard and as far we could. googling every single thing that help them to become a better speaker. i hope it works as seeing them debating 2 days in a row kills me. penat jugak nak practice je. i hope my duty is fulfilled. ;)

i seriously don't know what to do right now. how could Lego leaves me alone. he could wake me up at least. hahaha. considerate la tu. tak nak kacau orang sakit. have yet to see Zack. i hope he's all fine. lots of thing to tell and to hear.

lately, asyik rindu je kat budak-budak. its been awhile since i've spent my time with the girls. Isya and Wafiyya, i miss both of you like hell. nak sleepover la nanti. Maisara pun sama. cepat betul dia besar. gerammmm. i hope i can stay at home masa cuti mid-sem tuu.

i love my friend too much. i cant wait for Krol to come back. looking eff-ing forward to meet with all of them. mesti best if all of us can hang around like we used to hang like before. life has push all of us away from each other but we know our string as group of friends will always pull us back together. sedih la pergi debate kat Jengka and Dewi is having all the time and chance to see Krol. Damn you bitch. hahaha.


Thursday, July 8, 2010


fuhhh. its raining rite now here at Kuantan. macam faham-faham je. why is it always like this. i can imagine the seniors gone through the same shit. the fear of loosing a friend bila result MUET dah keluar. some pass and some dont. haishh. see, to go to BLS, one must get at least 3.o for cgpa and score band 4 for MUET. sounds easy. no, its not easy. its unpredictable. its the fear of the unknown 1 day before result MUET keluar. my dear friends, its not the end of the world bila u all tak score MUET. there must be a way bila u betul-betul nak something. everyone know it is true. so dont give up that easy. who knows with lots of prayers God will finally bukak pintu hati Dean Law Fac nak buat interview? :)

take your time to heal. dont take too long. u might lost precious thing along the way. so, take your time and say goodbye to this part of past. when you say goodbye to one thing that will pull you down, then you'll see things better. i know some experienced this before. but no harm trying again.;)insyaallah

i wish everyone pass their MUET. but its in God's hand. He want to test His slave. there are thousands of challenge in front of us. this is one of the challenges. org cakap senang la kan since aku da lepas. this is like me talking to myself. i can burst my tears anytime if i see my friends crying. n how i wish Zack will be fine. haishhh. xsuka la masalah-masalah ni. its like seeing someone you cannot help. as a friend, kalau boleh semua nak tolong. but, in this case. tak boleh buat apa. haisshhh.

kenapa la UiTM tak buat Bel je as a qualification. kan bagus. tak payahlah bazir RM 60 everytime nak sit for MUET. dengan sound interruption masa Listening Test. complaint yang selalu aku dengar. siap tolong orang buat application nak buat paper Listening balik da. but so far, hapak pun tak da. typical Gov agency.
