Thursday, March 4, 2010


you know how it feels when your friend is happy and you are not? you dig deep into your heart but still... no answer what is that feeling? jealousy? betrayed? i think i got an ISSUE! i'm lonely. my friend must think that it is funny to hear this from me. but hey, yes, i want someone, someone you can lean on when you're in deep trouble. right now, i have my friends. they love me. they care for me. they even breastfed me if i want. but they got their own shit. their own life. i don't want to bother them with my i-can-actually-solve-this-thing-on-my-own story. maybe i don't really need a girlfriend. its a rush. i hate being in a relationship. its the thing that i hate-love. in a relationship, you have to give commitment. its a new thing that i have to learn, adapt and develop. hard work.

i'm writing this post because i was inspired by Ugly Betty. Betty is about saying goodbye.

first thing first, betty. that 11th episode of season 4 is about saying goodbye and start all over again. she had to say goodbye to matt as he wants to help african's. so wahtever. what i actually see in that episode is that, i have to say goodbye to the things that is leaving me. so, goodbye. watching betty saying goodbye to matt really ease my pain. so, saying goodbye is a good way to move forward. so yes, i want to move forward. i don't want to stuck in this mud. i have aim, goal and ambition. i am young. lets not waste my shiny youth moment. LOL. so i should say goodbye to anything that holds me and start over a new page. what is that new page?

a car! a part-time job... and a lean & fit body before my 3rd semester. wish me all the best.

bokkk ehhh :DD

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