Saturday, October 23, 2010

frankly from my heart

x suka la gaduh gaduh ni. tapi kalau tak gaduh tak sayang. so yeah. susah kan bila sayang sangat sampai tak nak bagitau the truth that might hurt the people we love. yes. honesty is the best policy. tapi ada sebab the term white lies wujud. i know most of the time you wouldn't dare to tell it straight into my face but i can tell how exactly you're feeling. so most of the time you would be dwelling about my lifestyle that is so busuk in your eyes but same goes to me, i see the same things too. how you live your life. so i understand. but one thing for sure is that why in the world would you be mad just because you were lonely and i was having fun in my own way? you despise my way. you hate it. loath it. i rarely jumped off when you become picky, diva-ish and some other attitudes that i cant describe with words. so relax la babe. nak pulak kau ikut kitorang. mesti kau akan ajak pergi tempat lain yang aku dengan kawan-kawan aku takkan enjoy. aku penat sangat dengan perangai kau.